When Was The Last Time You Checked Your Will?

In today’s “hustle and bustle” world, it can be an afterthought—something you’re going to “get to” when you “have the time.” 

As we all know, that free time rarely ever comes, and when it does, that time is usually spent doing things more exciting than concerning oneself with wills. 

We get it. It’s hard to prioritize something that we feel may really only be useful years down the road. We also understand that contemplating your own mortality is something that most people do not enjoy. 

All of this said, an up-to-date,accurate will is critical for a family; it’s so important, to put aside all of the hesitation and excuses and simply get. it. done..

We see it all the time… a will was created 15 years ago on a whim when the family was headed on spring break, “just in case,” and families are shocked to realize just how dated it has become over time. 

Outdated planning in your documents could have detrimental effects for your family from both a personal and tax planning perspective. 

In other words, getting a will done is important, but ensuring it’s up-to-date is just as critical.

COVID has truly shown us that our mortality, as much as we hate to admit it, is a very real thing. 

If you need a will, or haven’t checked up on yours in awhile, we highly recommend making this a priority for yourself sooner rather than later. 

And, as always, if you require any help with this important area of your family’s planning and safety, get in touch!